
Guarantee Your Clients See Every Post

social media marketing tools

My business centers around social media marketing.  Since Facebook is the most-used app, with over 1.86 BILLION users worldwide, businesses are seeing the value in creating a Facebook page, but are often confused and frustrated by the algorithms that seem to change daily.  Why aren’t my posts being seen?  How do I get new followers?  How do I turn my followers into clients?  These are some of the many questions I hear every day.

The good news is, there are ways to work with Facebook to get the results you want!  Facebook gives us all the tools we need to succeed, it’s simply a matter of knowing what to do, and when.  I adore Facebook Ads, as they are an effective way to expand your reach, and are fairly affordable.  But I never shy away from free optimization to make your marketing dollars go further.  Once you have optimized your target audience on your business page, try this bold tactic next: Ask for the Follow.

When someone chooses to Like your page, they are automatically Following your page, as well.  This means that when you post something on your page, Facebook chooses which of your fans to serve your post to.  This depends on when your post is published, when your audience is online, etc.  Even if you were to post 5 times every day, all of your followers won’t see every post.  Most daily Facebook users are on the site for only about 20 minutes each day, but here’s the real pickle: Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510,000 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded. (Source: The Social Skinny)

How do you cut through the noise and make sure your followers see all of your posts?  Ask your fans to simply add you to the top of their News Feed.  When they hover over the “Liked” button on your page, they have the option to see your posts first.social media tips for marketingMost people have no idea that this feature even exists, and it is a valuable way to ensure your posts don’t float around unseen.  A word of caution: the only way that this has a positive effect for your page and ultimately, for your fanbase, is if your content is quality.  Your followers want to get to know you and your business, not be overloaded with rubbish or overly-promotional pieces each day.  The worst thing that could happen is for you to become a nuisance, and have your fans unfollow you because of your content.  Publish responsibly so that your fans WANT to see your page every day, and watch your fanbase grow.

Happy posting,

Morgana Signature

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